About the author of www.amdis.net Tobias Kind was born in Dresden and grow up in Taucha near Leipzig. He studied in Merseburg, Bayreuth and Leipzig. Later he worked for 4 years at the UFZ (Centre for Environmental Research) Leipzig-Halle and finished his PhD studies about the combination of GC-MS with chemometrics at Leipzig University.
He was a member of the Metabolomic Analysis Group at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Golm - where he was principally involved in metabolomic research with the help of GC-TOF-MS. Now he embraces the quest for the metabolome at the new Fiehnlab at the UC Davis Genome Center - California (USA). He is interested in environmental research (lecture) including
chromatography (HPLC, GC-MS) and chemometrics for GC-MS data evaluation. Collaboration research: [PDF1] [PDF2] [PDF3] [PDF4]. Other fields of interest are environmental remediation strategies (in general), clean water technologies (polymer adsorption, membrane technologies), medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry (acetylcysteine) and programming and data management in chemistry. You can read some of my collected usenet comments.
If you have remarks, questions, critical comments or want to contribute a chapter or link please do not hesitate to contact me: tk2003deja@amdis.net or use the feedback page. Thank you.
About this website www.amdis.net is a contribution to AMDIS and the scientific community. www.amdis.net would not be possible without the authors of AMDIS: Steve Stein,
Oleg Toropov, W. Gary Mallard, Jane Klassen, Janiel Reed and contributors Boyu Yang, W.Werther, H. Lohninger, F. Tancl, H. Scsibrany, Kurt Varmuza, D. Henneberg and B.Weimann, Don R. Scott and the generous free release of AMDIS with the support of DSWA/DTRA, OPCW and NIST. www.amdis.net deals with modern aspects of GC-MS data interpretation - including chemometrics, liquid/gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. www.amdis.net is open for every contribution from chromatography, chemometrics and mass
spectrometry fields. www.amdis.net is not responsible for the content of external links. About NOFThis website was made with one of the buggiest programs ever - Netobjects Fusion 5.1
Nothing is perfect - and NOF 5.1 really has great possibilities, but crashing every 20 minute and restarting the whole system can increase your suffering to mental confusion. Thatswhy I call this proggy Netobjects Confusion. | | | | As you can see - they sold a number of copies and counted the produced websites with an Integer-Overflow. Its like 8-bit EXCEL 2000 ;-).
If you dont believe me - try Netobject Fusion crashes. If you compare to MS Frontpage it is even a raw factor of 10 better. But who cares ? Writing HTML like assembler may be fun but is not really advantageous. |