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| What is AMDIS CONTENTS | | | | | | | | Downloads AMDIS program, Handbooks, Literature, Patents and Links |
| Benchmarks AMDIS performance |
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 |  | | Detailed Information about AMDIS AMDIS can help you to analyze GC-MS data of complex mixtures, even with strong background and coeluting peaks. If you are working in SIM mode and you have external standards and want to quantify your compounds, you dont need AMDIS. But if you have a noisy TIC spectra file and you want to find and identify known or unknown substances - AMDIS is the first choice.
AMDIS automatically extracts pure (background free) component mass spectra from highly complex GC-MS data files and uses these purified spectra for a search in a mass spectral library.
can easy build library files from your own components and AMDIS will find these target compounds. You can scan data files only for these specific compounds. (You dont need to set "time windows" or such things - just click the analyze button) AMDIS can find substances under a straight baseline (of course if there are some). You dont need to extract all the ions traces manually and in the time consuming way.
is free of charge with the omnipresent NIST Mass Spectral Library package. Never checked your CD? Never detected this nugget in your task list? Fly out and download the latest release for free. What is this AMDIS not:
After reading the text you may notify that this AMDIS is not that AMDIS (Association of Medical
Directors of Information Systems) nor that AMDIS Atomic and Molecular Data Information System). (Read all the text and hate the joke? E-mail me!) AMDIS is not a tool for quantification of GC-MS data. How AMDIS works:
AMDIS analyses steps: 1. noise analysis, 2. component perception, 3. spectrum deconvolution,
4. compound identification. First AMDIS analyzes the background and calculates a noise level for later processing. After that, it analyzes the data for an increase of a special ion trace. If there is maxima also for other traces at the same time, is assumes there is a peak and shapes a model peak. In the next step it calculates a "clean" spectra for each peak. And at last it identifies the compound via a library search.
Indeed its more complicated. You can read it in the AMDIS Method Paper: "An Integrated Method for Spectrum Extraction and Compound Identification from GC-MS Data" by Steven E. Stein
AMDIS needs: - For large date files with more than 100 substances: A Pentium-200 or better with Windows (for small data a Pentium 90 is OK).
- Windows NT based system (Windows NT/2000) is recommended - because large arrays are handled and memory system and file system are up to 20% faster.
- A user who knows a little bit about GC techniques and MS data evaluation, to avoid false
positive and false negative identifications.
AMDIS32 V2.1 can handle files from: Bruker (*.msf) Finnigan (GCQ, INCOS, and ITDS formats) (*.ms;*.mi;*.dat) HP Benchtop and MS Engines (*.ms) HP Chemstation (*.d)
Inficon GCMS (*.acq) MassLynx NT Formats (*.*) MicroMass (*.) NetCDF (*.netCDF) Perkin-Elmer Turbo Mass (*.raw) Saturn SMS (*.sms) Shimadzu MS Files (*.R##) Shrader/GCMate (*.lrp) Varian Saturn Files (*.ms) Xcalibur (*.raw)